Saturday, January 25, 2014

30 weeks

Our 30-week preemies turned 30 weeks old on Thursday!  At their well-baby visit a week ago, they were all officially cleared to come off the heart and apnea monitors.  Thank goodness!  They also no longer need the iron supplement that they started taking when they were in the hospital.  The pediatrician charted them using both their real age, which is based on their birthday, and their adjusted age, which is based on their due date, and she was happy with their growth.

Colin weighs over 17 lbs and is actually on the growth curve for full-term 6-month-olds!  He's been doing physical therapy to address his torticollis.  His neck muscles seem to be loosening up.  He's doing well with tummy time and can sit on his own for a few seconds before toppling over.  Colin is happiest when he's full (like father, like son!), and he has the best belly-laughs! 

Cash is about 14.5 lbs and is just under the growth curve for full-term 6-month-olds.  He is working with an occupational therapist to address his extensor pattern (he stiffens up like a board) and we have already seen great improvement!  He has started showing more interest in tummy time -- until recently, he would lay his head down and go to sleep when we would try tummy time with him.  Cash loves to snuggle and we love that he smiles with his whole face!

Grace is about 14.5 lbs and is just under the growth curve for full-term six-month-olds.  She and Cash are now about the same weight, but she has petite features so she looks smaller than Cash.  Grace has been working with both a physical therapist and an occupational therapist to address various physical issues that are mostly the result of her severe reflux.  Her physical development was a bit more delayed than the boys, but a few weeks ago, she took off!  Now she's rolling all over the place and tucking her knees to scootch herself around on her belly.  She has recently decided that she does not like to be on the schedule that the boys are on, so we're trying to stay ahead of her melt-downs and find a better schedule for her.  Grace's smile melts our hearts and she has securely wrapped her daddy around her little finger!

1 comment:

  1. They look so cute. I miss seeing them. I'm going to have to just stop by I guess.
