Saturday, June 29, 2013

Happy Birthday, Daddy!

The NICU nurses helped the babies make a birthday card for their Daddy today!

Cash and Colin have both been taken off their CPAP breathing machines and now only have nasal cannulas (small tubes in their noses).  Cash received his first feeding this afternoon via a tiny tube in his mouth.  Colin may get his first feeding tonight.  It will be a few days before Grace gets her first feeding.

Grace has a collapsed lung, so she's receiving extra breathing assistance via a jet ventilator right now.  Her x-ray this afternoon showed her lungs are looking better than they did yesterday!  Her blood gas tests are showing improvement as well.  One of the neonatalogists who has been working with the triplets explained that Grace's preemie lungs just need time to rest and heal.

With the patient guidance of Cash's nurse, I was able to change his teeny tiny diaper for the first time today!

The triplets also got to meet their Uncle Andrew and Aunt Emily today!

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