Sunday, March 22, 2015

First Haircut

The boys' curls were starting to look ragged, so Saturday we took everyone for their first haircut. We went to Pigtails and Crewcuts, which is geared towards young children.  I hoped Grace would be distracted by the movie that was playing. I figured then we'd only have to deal with two crying toddlers.

Here are a few "before" pictures...

Our lucky charms - Cash, Colin, and Grace

Colin, Cash, and Grace

One might say the boys had "mullets"
Grace, Cash, and Colin

Colin went first. I held my breath. He hates to have someone mess with his head, especially his ears. His last hearing test took three times as long as the others' tests because he kept pulling the earbuds out. I expected he would swat the stylist away.

I was wrong. He sat perfectly still in the fire truck. Not a peep, not a grimace, not a smile. Just his "Jon face". The entire time.

If you know Jon, you know this face. Stoic, deadpan, void of emotion..."Jon face". Like Jon, this is Colin's normal face for new experiences or when meeting new people.

Cash was next.  He's pretty laid back. I figured he could go either way. If Colin fussed, he would fuss. He did a few eyebrow raises, but mostly we just got more "Jon face".

"What's happening to me?"

Grace was last. She enjoyed watching other kids play while we waited for our turn. She walked up to an elementary-aged girl and her father and just stood and watched them. I thought she'd be all smiles when we put her up in her chair, especially with the prospect of watching something on TV. Nope, more "Jon face". I have never seen "Jon face" from Grace!

Waiting for Grace, wondering what just happened.


I was pretty impressed with The Williams Family - three toddlers' first haircuts and no tears! I had to chuckle - as we left, two kids were throwing fits as their haircuts began.  

No more mullet!

Wednesday, February 18, 2015

Snow Day

We took the triplets out in the snow for the first time today.  I think it took us about 45 minutes to get everyone dressed.  

Colin wore Jon's hat because it was the only hat in the house that fit him!

Grace was a little skeptical, but she played along with us.

Cash was over it before we got out the door.  Poor guy couldn't stay on his feet, so I had to prop him up in the chair until we were all ready to go outside.

The boys seemed to be afraid to move in the snow.  Grace eventually figured out how to stand up and move a little.

They didn't hate the snow, but they didn't tolerate it very long.  We were back inside within 15 minutes!