Saturday, April 5, 2014

9 months old

The triplets recently turned 9 months old.  Grace is pulling herself around and, when we're not watching, she usually makes a bee-line for the diapers we have stored under their changing table.  Cash is very chatty and laughs hysterically at the other two babies, for no apparent reason.  Colin has just started babbling, so he and Cash occasionally have adorable little conversations.  

March was full of doctors' appointments for the triplets.  They all saw a neurosurgeon to follow up on the MRI's they had before they were discharged from the hospital and to assess the flat spots on the boys' heads.  The neurosurgeon had no concerns with any of them, so we don't have to go back to her for any additional exams.  Because they were born really early, the babies have to get their hearing checked every six months for three years.  Preemies are at a higher risk for hearing loss.  When Colin failed his first test, we discovered he had an ear infection.  Cash also failed because he had fluid on one of his ears.  They will both get retested next week and hopefully everything has cleared up by then.  Their eye exams went well - Colin "graduated" and does not have to go back.  Cash and Grace have slight issues and will go back for follow up in a few months.  Our pediatrician is happy with their growth and was impressed that Colin is in the 95th percentile for his weight - on the 9-month growth curve (the triplets are normally assessed based on their adjusted age which is about 6.5 months old).  

Now, a few random pictures from the past few months...

Out enjoying a sunny day in February

Grace enjoys pulling Daddy's glasses off of his face!

Grace, Cash, and Colin wearing some of their Christmas gifts from Aunt Emily and Uncle Andrew

Our first family trip to the grocery

Cash, Grace, and Colin ready for a walk around the neighborhood.

A little jam session on the Baby Einstein -- Colin rarely shares this toy.

The triplets with their friend, Finn.
Yes, Colin has a mohawk -  that's what happens when Daddy does bath night.

Cash watching the House and Senate with Daddy on a snow day.

Who me?

Not even Beau is safe when Colin blows raspberries while eating dinner. 

The first baby with teeth - and she got two at once!

Colin, Grace, and Cash at 9 months old